Leroy Engineering Tire Trailers

After over 5 years in production, Leroy Engineering announces the retirement of the current line of tire trailers.

In 2016, we launched Leroy Engineering with our first product: the Grid tire trailer. While working other full-time jobs, we used evenings and weekends to design, build, and test the trailer in the barn behind our house. The original frame looked quite a bit different than the final design, but the central purpose of creating a reliable and refined tire trailer remained the same. That frame is still here, hanging in our shop.

The year 2018 was the first full year of production. We added more colors, more cargo space, and continued to tweak and improve our processes.

2021 saw the final redesign of the current line of trailers, with upgraded wheels, bearings, suspension and accessories.

Now in 2024, we have decided to retire the Grid and Paddock tire trailers. Leroy Engineering will continue to support trailers in the field with parts and accessories. We look forward to introducing a new generation of tire trailers in the future.